The Reason #12
The Reason #12
We bring Portugal into your home from a real local perspective!
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Join us for Easter! Easter in Portugal is always about family and food and with sunny days reminding us that summer is coming, Easter is a great time in Portugal.
What happens in Portugal at Easter?
A bit of everything, we must say. Normally (before Covid) most devout Portuguese would take part in traditional and theatrical representations of the Christian story of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection.
Many practitioners will attend religious services in churches across the country during Easter. Non-religious Portuguese associate Easter with family and gastronomic delights.
It's time for lots of chocolate!
Easter celebrations in Portugal include many special dishes and good wine. In addition to the traditional codfish on Good Friday, Easter Sunday is dedicated to roast kid. Easter Folar is a special bread that has to be on most people's tables. It symbolizes the bread at the Last Supper and Christ's resurrection. It is mainly served as a sweet dish, but in some regions it includes sausages, ham or meat.
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